Book Training > Other events > Deep Dive: Understanding Local Power: insider perspectives on councils, mayors and grassroots impact | 6 March, 10am-1pm

Deep Dive: Understanding Local Power: insider perspectives on councils, mayors and grassroots impact | 6 March, 10am-1pm


It is a big moment for local power across England, as the new government is moving intentionally towards a ‘devolution revolution’. More powers are being transferring out of Westminster and into the hands of local people in areas like transport, housing, and skills. It will mean that the majority of life decisions affecting ordinary people will be made by local authorities and metro Mayors.

How much do campaigners know about how local power works? This session will demystify processes, help you understand where decisions are made and how to increase your campaigning impact.

SMK Associate and Bow Councillor Abdi Mohamed and former Chief of Staff to the Mayor of the West Midlands Lucy Caldicott will co-facilitate this in-depth session for experienced campaigners and leaders.  We hope it will appeal to Chief Executives, senior leaders, community leaders and emerging leaders who want to understand how to work with local power more impactfully.

In this session you will:

  • Gain an insider’s perspective on local power including the key channels and players
  • Consider how to maximise your local campaigning and have a real impact ahead of the May 2025 local elections and the ‘all out’ 2026 local elections
  • Dive deep into some examples of what makes for a successful local campaign
  • Understand how to best engage local activists

About the session facilitators

Session facilitators are SMK Associate and Bow Councillor Abdi Mohamed and former Chief of Staff to the Mayor of the West Midlands Lucy Caldicott.

Abdi is a public affairs manager for a large charity, having previously been parliamentary researcher and policy advisor to the Shadow Minister for Disabled People. He has worked for the Labour Party and led an innovative community programme in east London which included setting up a local Somali Task Force. Abdi is a governor at Bow Secondary School, and a trustee of PohWER. He is a Councillor in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.

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